Theresa brings over 35 years of experience in water and environmental consulting to Quantum. As CEO of Quantum, she uses her extensive experience leading large multidisciplinary technical staff, subcontractors, and consultants to develop a high-quality comprehensive strategy that meets the needs of clientele. Theresa regularly provides expert testimony in Colorado Water Court Cases and has provided expert witness services on behalf of the State. She has served as Chairman on the Colorado Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors.
Appointed by Governor Hickenlooper in March 2011 to serve a four-year term on the Colorado Board of Examiners of Water Well Construction and Pump Installation Contractors.
Expert Witness
Regularly provides expert testimony in Colorado Water Court Cases, has been asked by the State of Colorado to be an expert witness on behalf of the State at a hearing for revisions to the Water Well Construction Rules, November 9, 1999.
American Water Resources Association
Colorado Ground Water Association
National Ground Water Association
Colorado Water Congress
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
Wyoming Water Association
Professional Geologist