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Site Closures
What is the difference between a “clean” site
and a “No Further Action” site?
In some cases, there can be a big difference between the two; both in money spent and timeframes to complete. Did you know that regulatory officials can close sites with known levels of contamination on site, sometimes at levels exceeding regulatory standards? These sites were closed because the risk of exposures to site occupants was deemed sufficiently low that no additional remediation or monitoring was needed. Examples of regulatory programs where sites are closed based on risk include, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment petroleum storage tank sites, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Voluntary Cleanup sites, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields sites, and sites that have an approved Corrective Action Plan per Section 100.26 of the Colorado Hazardous Waste Regulations. Please call us for more information about these regulatory programs.
Our Site Closure Services Include:
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