Consulting Services to
Saguache County, Colorado
Contracting Agency: Saguache County, Colorado
Quantum was retained by Saguache County to study of the conjunctive use of the unconfined aquifer and Saguache Creek and the relationship between the Rio Grande Decision Support System (RGDSS) model and the effects on the water budget of the area.
Measured and observed water flows in Saguache Creek have shown a decline over the past several years from historic surface water gaging records. In addition, Saguache County is concerned that the unconfined aquifer water levels have declined, the aquifer storage is depleting, and current augmentation levels are not sufficient to prevent this decline in storage. The County has determined that a study of the conjunctive use of Saguache Creek and the unconfined aquifer is necessary to determine if the RGDSS modeling and augmentation requirements are adequately accounting for inflows and outflows to the surface water and unconfined groundwater systems.