Mr. Dellaport is responsible for thematic cartography, reference mapping, and 3D geographic animations leveraged through ESRI's ArcGIS Suite©. Mr. Dellaport is an expert in graphic design applications and specializes in using the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite© to produce compelling print and electronic media that depicts topics of a highly technical and scientific nature. Through the integration of the ArcGIS Suite© and the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite©, Mr. Dellaport is among the vanguard of the fusion of digital graphic design and cartography.
Mr. Dellaport’s areas of expertise include:
ArcGIS Suite©
Data analysis
Cartography and visualization
Spatial analytics
Geographic application development
Data modeling and 3D animation
Geodatabase construction and maintenance
Remote sensing
Arc Hydro - Groundwater and Subsurface Analyst
Data interoperability
Graphic Design
Adobe Suite©
Training Certifications
GIS Colorado Collaborate (GISCO)
G.I.S Certification Institute (GISCI)
Colorado Groundwater Association
Rocky Mountain URISA
Professional Certifications
Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP) #161171