Adams County Brownfields Due Diligence
Contracting Agency: Tetra Tech
Quantum is currently assisting Tetra Tech, Inc. in assessing environmental impacts through an EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant of blighted properties along the Clear Creek corridor, west of Denver. The Clear Creek corridor has historically been impacted by industrial uses, including gravel pit operations, illicit dumping, pre-regulation landfilling activities, and aggregate processing plants. Twenty-two formally recognized landfills and other numerous illegal dumps are present in the target area. The corridor has become a prime area for transit-oriented development due to the presence of the Regional Transportation District’s “G” light rail line and stations. The Environmental Assessments completed from this project will assists the County with its community outreach program to provide residents and other stakeholders with valuable data that accurately characterize the environmental impacts associated with the area. Quantum serves as the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)/Phase II ESA and field team lead for this important project.